
my journey with Lyft began just weeks before the world was hit by COVID-19, marking the start of what would be a weird/exciting turn in technology and my personal career. I was initially drawn to the opportunity because working on self-driving cars hands-on in the heart of the valley sounded like a dream come true but covid.....

As one of the first two interns in Lyft's inaugural Technical Program Management (TPM) program, I led the Virtual Validators Program. You can think of a virtual validator as a test an AV has to pass in a virtual environment. This could be stopping at a red light or waiting to make a turn as someone crosses the street. Despite the shift to virtual work due to the pandemic, my role allowed me to make significant contributions, such as reducing request lead times for the different times who wanted validators created for the features they wanted to test and enhancing communication among stakeholders through master list meetings and semi-automated systems.

The pivot to remote work meant my initial reason for joining—immersing myself in the world of autonomous vehicles didn't happen, but it did set the stage for a second internship that aligned even more closely with my personal passions.

Returning to Lyft, I worked on the next generation of e-bikes. My experience at lyft contributing to the future of micromobility, especially in a time of unprecedented challenges, was profoundly rewarding. It affirmed my belief in the importance of sustainable transport solutions and allowed me to grow as an individual, discovering resilience and adaptability I hadn't known before.



